My Mom's the BEST Mom!
I'm always talking and writing and posting, I never have a loss for any words, but today, the day to celebrate my mama, to try to explain to you all what she means to me...I can't seem to figure out how to put all that love and friendship and gratefulness into a few blog words. And its making me feel all emotional inside me! I need to make you understand, and I don't know how you ever could unless you know how it felt when she held you as a little ball of a baby or how it feels when she kisses your face or hugs you tight or tells you a story about Gussy Wuss and the goldfish pond or sings you a made up song about Jose the gardener or Gus who drives the bus or when you get out of school and there she is waiting for you and you run to her saying Mama! Mama! and you fly into her arms and she lets you knock her down to the ground all the way to Chinatown...
I love you, Mommy. I love you more than I am smart enough to write down here. You are all and everything.
..choo choo... Gussy, you got me all weepy! Happy Mother's Day Gussy's mom. You are the best.
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