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Location: United States

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

most accidents occur at home

Mama got to go to Seattle yesterday, by herself, so she could feel like a person of the world again for a few hours. She bought some pants. When she got home she gave me a bath and I played in the tub until all the water was gone down the drain, like I like to do. I was standing and reaching for the shaving cream that I know I'm not supposed to play with when I slipped and bonked my head right on the tub floor. Now that's a pain that lingers. Mom was real sad in the face cuz she tried to stop me from falling but I was too slippery for her fingers. I cried for a while and then she let me drink my milk like I did when I was a baby -- naked, on her lap, and even with a bottle instead of my adult sippy cup. That felt real nice. Almost nice enough to bonk my head again, but not quite. Danger!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know buddy, I am coming up there tomorrow and I plan on drinking a bottle naked in MY moms lap this weekend.

4:01 PM  

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