This was my Halloween. This was my costume. I was a fire fighter. I looked gooood. What a night. I've never known such a night! They shut down the main drag of the little Bainbridge downtown and ALL the kids come out dressed up and "trick-or-treat" which a lot of you probably know about already but this was the first year of me understanding. What a concept! Who thought of this?
They tried to get me to wear a mustache so I looked more like the fire chief, but I was not having it.
This is the moment when the first piece of candy hit my pumpkin pail. Ding! I was like, "HUH???" For me? For free? All you have to say is trick or treat? Again, who thought of this?
Every shop on the block had someone standing there with a big bowl of candy and every time we went up there...ding! Another tasty morsel for me! I kept yelling, "I got another one!"
My uncles and Mama and I walked up and down the street just loving Halloween and looking at all the great get ups.
My dad held me for the first half a block because I'm not too proud to tell you I was a little overwhelmed by all the mayhem and there were some scary monsters and such.
But once I tried it on my own, walked right up to a guy and held out my pail and got a candy....oh man, the power I felt!
So yeah, the best. The best night of my life so far. I say that a lot maybe, but that's only because this small life of mine just keeps getting better and better. My uncles being with me, plus candy, equals something too good to be true that is actually true.
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