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Sunday, October 28, 2007

spiders suck

It tis the season of the scary black spider and let me tell you the ones we have around here are very very scary. They are big, WAY too big, like you see them walking on the floor out of the corner of your eye, in the dark. (the one pictured here is nowhere near the biggest ones we've seen) Their legs stretch two whole inches and their bodies are big and hairy and they've got these pinchers with black pom poms on the end. Daddy is the resident spider killer but if he is asleep like the other night when one crawled next to Mama watching TV on the couch, then she's just out of luck and has to leave the room and go to bed. Sometimes when Dad drops a book on them, a big heavy book like the complete John Steinbeck or something, they get only injured and he has to stomp on them again. And sometimes we just get the ole vacuum out:

It's getting pretty Halloweenie isn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like the world to know that if there wasn't a two year old in the house I would never have sucked this spider up w/ a vacuum. Thank you.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spiders shmiders... they can´t hurt you, but they can scare you. i miss you guys mucho but i must say it´s kind of nice down here in sunny mexico... esta bien. un grande abrazo para ti from mamop.

9:42 AM  

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