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Location: United States

Thursday, November 04, 2010


So after, New York, my parents flew across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris, France. Paris, France! My dad has an editor and an agent and a translator there that he'd never met so more of this so-called working vacation.

There she is. La Tour Eiffel. Beautiful in pictures, but truly amazing to look at in detail, in person. I have a little miniature one in my room now. I can show you where Paris, France is on the world map if you don't know. I can also show you Thailand and the Democratic Republic of Congo. (Just ask me next time I see you and I'll point them out.)

Check in at the hotel in the 6th Arrondissement and then go across the street to the cafe for a French coffee and an omelet. Tres tres bien! That's the hotel across the street, that's their window with the flowers.

The window with the flowers.

And then for an exploratory stroll. Every single thing you see in Paris, every single structure, is BEAUTIFUL. Like, if we had one of these buildings here, people would line up to look at it, but there it's just one knockout after the other, with nothing ugly and nothing new in between.

Then the night falls and everything is sparkling and golden and still old and gorgeous. You don't have to imagine what it was like to live here in the 17th Century or the 1920's, because you're looking at it, you actually are living it, but it's today.

St-Germain-des-Pres, the oldest church in Paris. 6th Century I think. Uh, I think that's about 1200 years older than our oldest church here. It's right across from Le Deux Magots, a very famous place to drink.

St.Suplice. And Mom. A genuine French lady tried to pick up on my dad after he took this photo. L'amour, l'amour!

(more to come...)


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