Happy Earth Day
Every weekend, on his day off, my poor dad has to go mow the giant lawn at the house for sale in Poulsbo. He comes home the color of grass and very tired. This Sunday we all went to help him and we learned that he wasn't kidding about it being a very hard job. Mamop did the weed eating, Dad mowed all the lawns and Mama and I raked up all the blades of grass. Actually after a short time, Mama sent me away because she said I was upsetting her piles. Whatever! Raking is back breaking work and Mama's hands are ruined with blisters. There were a lot of jokes about her Mexican heritage. It was a beautiful day and I took some time to sit and smell the pretty flowers that we planted in the front. We have had some "nibbles" on the house lately so if everone reading this could just say silently in their minds right now: "Please let my friends' house sell", then I think that should do the trick. Thanks.
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