Visiting Hours
What would we do out here without our constant flow of visitors? It is a solitary life on the ole island but as long as the people keep coming, we don't have to notice.
Uncle Derek and Zollo come regularly for dinner and tv and stuff. They should actually come more because they can. Really like them.
And we also get visitors via Himal's family. His aunt Kishu came to visit and I felt an immediate love for her. Beautiful girl.
Lishu - Himal - Kishu
Himal had other LA visitors this week. Turns out his dad Leo's best friend is a boy named Paris that Mama used to be friends with and DJ with back in Echo Park. He was coming to stay with them so Mama said not to say anything to him about her. So we showed up at their house, as Himal's island playdate and his island mom, and Mama introduced herself to Paris and he looked at her, and then looked at her, and then got all confused and said Wait a minute! He couldn't figure out what her Echo Park face was doing all the way out here in this remote place in the house of his oldest friend. He was freaked out! Then they hugged and said over and over what a very small world it is.
All anyone really needs is a friend to kick it with.
And can you see how poked out Lishu's belly is? The baby is knocking on the door! He's coming out in exactly two weeks! That is some serious excitement around the corner.
Paris, Leo and Brandon, who is another pal of theirs from California who is living here now...something perhaps more of you should be considering in this day and age?
Breathe in that fresh air, Paris.
Enjoy you stay friends....Keep em coming!
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