I've been learning about the two sides of the bed, which has been a hard thing for me to understand because I really only get up out of one side, but it turns out one is the right side of the bed and one is the wrong side. Some days I get up all happy, thinking happy thoughts, like about the easter bunny coming soon:
And sometimes, and I just can't figure out why, no one can, I wake up all crummy and crappy and out of sorts and it takes me like a whole half hour to get right:
These are the two sides. Mama's trying to teach me about the yin yang, the two sides to the coin, to every story and to my bed. But why can't I just only have the happy sides? Can't anyone answer me why???
Thee bext post ever.
oh, i so relate. waking up is always a gamble, even at the ripe old age of 34.
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