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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Thanks Given

It took us a while to get to Bainbridge for the Thanksgiving holiday, due to snow and icy roads, but we got there eventually.

Well, almost there. Our car made it all the way to the very last hill on Bobby's street before the wheels started to spin on the slippery slope and slid back down again. Oh well, we got to the house even if the car didn't. And that's basically what life on the island is all about: being trapped in the house with no way out.

But who better to be trapped with...than Uncle Nicky!

And Scrabble! They FINALLY let me play!

And snowman-making with Mom.

And Uncle Mike! Who just wants a hot cup of joe!

And sweet Mamop, who just wants a cool drink of wine. And a cuddle with a grandson.

And good ole Grandpa and Uncle Big Vic who brought me great stuff as always like the Hansen Brothers action figures from Slapshot. Lots of fires and football and movies and games and closeness with each other. I'll give thanks for that any day of the year.


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