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Friday, February 16, 2007

The DD of GV Anniversary

My Good Friends,

It is the birthday of my blog. It's been a year of daily discoveries. A whole year, how can it be? This was a way for us to pretend like we don't really live so far from all of you, for you guys to be in my life though you are not in my town. I think it has really been working. There is closeness between us, don't you feel it? I know my circle of friends has grown through doing this and I have friends of friends and even friends of friends of friends out there that I don't even know. I wish I could hear from you like you hear so often from me. Please everyone send me a comment and tell me who you are and where you are. Come on, please! Are you kidding me, we got a family here.

Here's a small recap of the year, from my baldness to my first steps to today. I will tell you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, this has been the best year of my life...

Your Friend Forever,
Gustavo Valentine deWitt


Blogger Cali said...

Baby Gus I am your Uncle Mike. I am in Echo Park, California!

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby Gus, I am your Uncle Mike's live in girlfriend, Betsy. As you may have surmised, I also live in Echo Park, California. I love you and your little button face.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby gus! i am clare, mom of your los angeles pal ruby! i love hearing from you on yer blog so darn much its kinda crazy! happy blogiversary!xoxo

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi gus,,, i am hot dog. i was once grandpoops basura boy. but that was in the 80's and times were different then. i cant wait for you to be old enough to hear about the 60's from him. again and again.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Regina and family said...

Hey there Gus. My name is Regina and I have been friends with your mom for over 15 years now...holy cow! Well if you are ever in Sacramento look us up. Uly and Mia would love to show you around our town!

10:56 AM  
Blogger boom said...

Hello Gus, I'm Fudero. One time back in your 1st apartment in Echo Park, your dad made me hold you. I didn't like it at all because I was really afraid I was going to drop you and you would shatter like glass. I'm sure glad you didn't.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gustavo Valentine! I am Zollo; your Uncle Darryl's main squeeze. I am part of your new extended family in Seattle. I love to take the ferry over and visit you and your parents. We just might make the trip tommorrow. xo

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya Gustavo! We are Auntie Cari (Cawie), Uncle Brad (Bwaad) and baby Ondine (baaaaaaby!!!!). We love you all the way to the moon and back and miss you about that much as well. Keep up the great writing; we looove hearing from you in all your fabulous adventures. You one lucky fella! Happy blogversary to youse, and mommy and daddy too!

1:24 PM  
Blogger sufferwords said...

young man Gus, I am Sufferwords and I knows you're folks, I'm in Los Feliz (The Happy) and I get ye old vicarious thrill watching my peoples kids bloom. I too just turned a blogyear old.

2:42 PM  
Blogger GUS said...

This is really great...I like being on the receiving end of the blog world. I want to hear more. Don't be shy. Remember we are alone on an island and this is pretty much our only connection with society.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you toddler Gus (no longer 'Baby" right?)!
This is your Nana writing to you, telling you how much your blog means to me and your Papa. Seeing and reading your blog keeps you in our minds and hearts every day while we are so far away in the sunny desert. You are growing SO big so fast, and we just wish we could be there to squeeze your little body and kiss your adorable face!.

4:32 PM  
Blogger lost teeth said...

hi gus! i don't know you or your folks but i followed some links once and found this blog and it sure is funny. my mom and i blog over here:
we are from california too and miss it real bad but make our home in seattle now. ok bye, thanks for sharing and blogging!


10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am Shayla, I am friends with Uncle Mike's lady Betsy. I live in Portland and love to read about your adventures. I sure hope your parents find that nice cheap house in portland and move down here so I could run into you at the farmers market and suchlike. keep up the blogging!

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is your great uncle PI....where's your blog today?? Did you decide to pack it in or what? Auntie Morneen and I need our daily blog fix 'cause we live in the wilderness on Vancouver Island and you've been providing our best daily the time you caused Grandpoop such distress with your overloaded diaper ploy. Get on with it, kid, you're readers await!! If you don't, I'll bring Bernie the dog down to anoint Grandpoop's footwear.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Owley Patrol said...

Hi Gus. This is Ann Do. I've never met you but I know your 'rents from when they lived in Echo Park. I discovered your blog through the Moldy Doily via Teardrops's blog. You are a beautiful child... It's a spectacular thing to see...

11:14 PM  
Blogger GUS said...

Yeah! This is what I'm talking about! Comments, wonderful comments. It is really really great to hear from all of you. Keep em coming...

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi toddler gus,
I am Jessica, and I know most of your family from back when I was young. Not as young as you. But practically. But from about the time when yr dad had a peculiar gothic look. I think he was a teenager. I remember the day you were born, your uncle Mike called me to tell me about it. After my long days of having to look at the internet, I always save your blog for last. Like desert. It is a favorite amongst my friends--but please do not let celebrity go to your head.

7:06 AM  
Blogger themoldydoily said...

Hey Gus...happy anniversary. I live in Echo Park and am friends with your folks and uncle Mike. I love your blog-tossing axes, contemplating geese, discovering light switches- wow what a year. Hopefully someday I can leave the pollution and venture to the giant trees where you live.

1:57 PM  

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