working her way back to me, babe
Mamam is FINALLY coming home tomorrow after being gone FOREVER in Mexico country. I am practicing all my funniest faces and my best smiles to really wow her and remind her that I am a not a kid to be forgotten about. I have a bunch of new things to show her and TELL her since I can talk a whole lot better than when she left. I can say three word sentences like "no way Nicky" and "no way Mama" and "get up Grandpa". And the newest thing, which is not necessarily the best thing if you ask anyone else around here, is that I say Mama (or Daddy) 35 times in row, even after Mama (or Daddy) has said Yes Gus, what do you want 30 times back to me and look me right in the eyes and say What is it Gus! I'm right here, Gus! I hear you Gus! Stop doing that Gus! I want their attention. Even long after I have it, I still want it.
Gussy, did you know that your great-Mamam made that sweater for uncle Mike? When he was only a puddle drinker? In short pants?
and now he's a puddle drinker in long pants
A pee drinker more like!
A pee drinker with NO pants!
A no drinker with pee pants!
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