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Location: United States

Thursday, June 28, 2007

island hoppin

Lots of visiting back and forth from Seattle to Bainbridge. Emmett and his parents came over here for a play date so I got to show them my favorite park with the lake and the ducks and all the quiet and space that you don't find in the city. We gathered flowers and did our usual tickling, grabbing, and tackle hugging. Emmett rolled all the way from top to bottom of the big hill. I just watched all peaceful like from under a shady tree.

And Uncle Nicky came over to our side for some meat pie. That's meat, cooked inside a pie crust. With lard. And Grandpoop still doesn't understand why we say its unhealthy.

And then Mama and Daddy had their play date adult style in Seattle. They visited Spencer's new junk store, the Anne Bonny, (he decided to change the name from Dead People's Crap), where he wowed my dad with a first edition John Fante. Then my parents got to go see the La Vie En Rose movie which made them so happy that they almost didn't notice that they came out of the theater right into Gay Pride night which is too crowded and dance-y for my dad. So they tossed back a couple of cocoa's at the ole Redwood and had the stimulating type of conversation they need to keep everything going.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you coming home, little one? I don't know what to do with myself. A cocktail, a bubblebath. You've turned me into an Encino housewife.

6:41 PM  

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