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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Other Side

When we're feeling lonely and cooped up out here on the ole isle, we ferry over to spend a morning with Jenn and the Baby Luca, or OOKA as I like to pronounce it.

He is so cute, right? Like the littlest bestest elf friend a guy could have.

His mama and my mama have a lot of mama chatting because the Baby Luca is almost but not quite sleeping all the way through the night and my mom has many strict words of advice about the Dr. Ferber and his mean tricks of making us learn to sleep on our own. There are a lot of strategies and dilemmas to consider when you are a parent, just so you know.

I like to play with my pal and get my hands on other people's toys but I really love the ferry because it means that I can sit in the front seat for a long time which gives me almost enough time to push every button, turn on every signal, wiper and secret overdrive buttons that no one but me knows about and then put the tape cassettes in and out and then in and out a few hundred times more. I feel its really good for me that mama takes me along with her everywhere. We are like me and my shadow. She has to get away every once in a while and be just her without a shadow like the other night when she went by herself to see Dreamgirls because none of the macho men here would see it because they cannot appreciate the musical as its own genre. And by the way, she was very very entertained.


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