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Monday, September 03, 2007

Surprise Part II

Well, Mama had barely recovered from the surprise and excitement of her birthday parasail, when another gigantic and even superior surprise exploded on her. Daddy took her out for a movie and I stayed home with Uncle Nicky. While she was out, her sister, my Aunt Cari, Uncle Brad and the baby Ondine flew over from Northern California. Then, Lisa and all her family drove over from Portland. We were all waiting in the living room when my unsuspecting mom came strolling in all casual...



Tears of joy.

And you know I had big joy of my own getting to hang out with my favorite ladies, Emmy and Greta Bug.

Lisa and Cari got the dinner going while Mama was still trying to understand how everyone had done all this planning and plotting without her knowing. My dad scored even more points for all the preparation and secret keeping he did, especially when everyone knows how lousy he is at keeping secrets.

Whenever Lisa is talking, everyone else is laughing.

And then birthday cake #2. I love it. Keep these birthdays coming!
(as you can see, my mom is finally 21.)


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