Hearting Portland
It is time for me to tell you how deeply in love with Portland Oregon my family and I am. The rains of winter can be long and dark but the secret that we are not supposed to tell is that it didn't actually rain that much and the sun was out a whole lot of the time this winter. But none of that matters because once you get to the glorious spring your memory is wiped clean of anything wet and gray and all you can see is dazzling color everywhere you look. You step out of your house and are just instantly happy. You feel like you are the richest people in the country living in the most expensive part of town because the trees and bushes and flowers are so pretty. Pink and white blossoms cover the sidewalks like it just rained cotton candy. Tulips are EVERYWHERE, in every color from magic yellow to the darkest purple black. The wind blows and you smell jasmine and lilac and rosemary and it's like you're living in a perfume factory. And in between all this is green, green, and the lushest green. It's almost hard to take, like it's too much for one person's eyes. There is a new word I learned to help me understand all this, and the word is SUBLIME.
These are just the pictures and colors you can see from our house. Times this by a million and you will start to understand why we feel like we live in Paradise.