The Daily Discoveries of Gustavo Valentine

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Location: United States

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RIP Henrick

Well, would you believe that we found something this small and this cute in our backyard bushes? I know. Dad and I were tending to my pea pods in the vegetable garden and we heard these tiny little squeaks. And then we found this guy, all tangled up with his two brothers in vines and umbilical cord. Mom and Dad got them out of the dirt, cut off the vines and cord so they could move, and we brought them inside. We started feeding them kittie formula with a dropper. Well, these guys were VERY small, too small to be out in the world yet it turns out. Smokey didn't make it through the night.

And, I hate to say it, but Popeye only made it a few hours into the next day. But Henrick here, he was the biggest and strongest of the tiny weak babies. And he was a fighter. We kept him warm with a hot water bottle and my dad helped him poop and pee with a Q-tip and I got to hold him, finally.

We found someone on craigslist who takes care of abandoned newborn kittens until they are old enough to be adopted and my mom drove Henrick to her. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHY HE COULDN'T STAY HERE. I thought we were taking good care of him. But my parents said Henrick needed really really extra special attention or he would fade away like his brothers. So I cried into my pillow all night long. We all missed that little guy as soon as he left, but I was what they call inconsolable. My mom told me he is doing well at his new home. This is what she told me, so this is what I'm going to believe.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy MOther's Day

To my mom, the B-E-S-T. I tell her she's the best just about every day. You should see the cards (2) I drew for her today, my best work to date.

This is us in bed, cuddling, which we've done every single night (every other night, cuz dad takes a turn too) since I came out of her belly.

And, to my mom's mom too. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have my mom and if it weren't for her good mothering I wouldn't have such a good mom. Etc, and etc, it's a trickle down mother effect! Thank God!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Cousins 2010 Continued...

The birthday girl, Skylar.

Luckiest girl in Marin. Tinkerbell came to her birthday party. All her little girl friends were in total awe.

Mason and I could NOT care less. Sheesh!

Tinkerbell brought pixie dust and spoke a fairy language and sang fairy songs and played the fiddle.

It was a five year old girl's fantasy day come true.

Mason and I peeked at the action but we did not go near, no way, dude.

Once the birthday party part of the day was done, we hung out for the rest of the day, playing the Wii dance which I already told you was my favorite.

Cari and Ondine danced off against each other, Mom and I danced off against each other, and then I danced off against anyone who would have me.

My mom tried to sell the Wii dance idea to my dad as a way of keeping fit through the dark and rainy winter months of Portland. But he is not on board. Because he hasn't done the dance.

Once you do the dance you are a slave to the dance. Slave to the riddum. Like me.