The Daily Discoveries of Gustavo Valentine

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Location: United States

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Third Dimension of a Good Time


Friday, February 17, 2012

Fat Family Photos

When the family deWitts get together we usually go straight to fun with fat apps.

Everyone looks sweeter and funnier with 100 extra pounds.

We could do this for hours (we do).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Christmas Part Deux

And then we came back to Portland for second Christmas...

The family is good and tight...

The family Thornhill-deWitt is super glued they're so tight...

Rolling out the goodness and joy of holiday love...

And Grandpa and I work on our watercolor washes.
Peace is with us.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

We spent the Christmas in Palm Springs with GP's and cousin Ondine, Cari & Brad.

Ondine is my cousin and now really my pal also because we are on the same level and can play all the same stuff.

Went to the Living Desert to see all the lights at night at this big fat jolly guy was there. Ondine went over to talk to him but I was too cool/shy, opted out.

The traditional game of Bocce was played, girls against boys, and although I don't remember because it's not important, I think the girls won, again.

But it is always a real close match which is why Papa carries a little measuring tape in his pocket so we can be precise and fair about these things.

It really is a treat to leave cold wintry Portland and then the next thing you know you are warmed by the summer desert sun, of the wintertime.

Missing my sweet cousin O and the taco hugs we like to make using our bodies, and the love between us.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pat's People

Going backwards to catch up on the Christmas time...we spent the holiday in sunny Palm Springs at Nana and Papa's...

First thing upon arrival in Palm Springs....a Patrick deWitt book reading! At the Clubhouse!
Dad charmed all of Nana's book friends and she was in her glory.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Happy BlazerDAy!

Birthday Blazer game with Mom.
Undefeated at the Rose Garden!
(Until tonight.)
STill, Rip City Uprise! Great night!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


I have to say I'm sorry about all these weeks and months with no photos and no words and no phone calls even to let you know what I'm doing or what sport season it is for me or what my hair looks like.  We have been busy and preoccupied over here.  Did you know we are leaving the country soon???  
Anyhoo, here are some much overdue postings to get everyone up to date, going backwards to bring us up to the now of today.  I have missed you my good pals of the inner web!

Let it!

Waking up to snow is one of my top fave things. I like the cold and I don't really like the sun. I would rather freeze than burn.
Best Portland perk is the once a year snow time.
Not enough to call a snow day though.
By nightfall, the real beauty of full-on snow.