I DID IT! Or, should I say, I doodit. I pooped in the potty. An actual turd. This is the picture of it, though carefully angled not to actually show it because, as Daddy urged, we are not that kind of blog.
It was early morning, a light mist outside, just after a quiet breakfast with Dad, Mama still asleep in bed...I sat down on my little potty, like I've been doing sporadically for months yet have become more hardcore about since I was left with grandparents for 4 days when my parents were in NY...but this time, I don't know why, maybe it was my choice of reading material (the Lorax) or my choice of toys (slinky, airplane, Rice Krispies watch), but all by myself, and all alone, it happened. It went plop.
Dad quickly woke up Mama and brought her in and there was screams of joy and proud high fives all around. I got to finally open the mechanical dog they've been holding over my head as incentive for weeks and Bobby took me out to a pancake breakfast and then to the Bay Hay to get the biggest toy John Deere tractor they had. Number two is #1 !!!