Back behind the wheel. Feels good.

I went on a bunch of my little rides and then dad convinced me to go on this, the Spider. BAD IDEA. At first it was fun, the little spider hand spins back and forth and bit and you go up high, while everyone is loading on. Then it starts. It starts going fast, and then it spins, and then it spins you so fast that gravity pulls your body and head back to where you are practically paralyzed. I was smiling, then laughing, then screaming, and then I just started making this low errr noise that sounded like a vacuum dying. My parents kept telling me it was okay and that it was almost over but I could not talk to them I could only make the noise. I was never so happy as when it stopped. Once I got off the ride I started telling everybody that I loved it.

This is the go carts, the view from the ferris wheel which I also went on and also felt a bit scared on but only a little.

We got ice-cream, my dad and I did my favorite thing the shooting gallery game, and my new favorite thing the squirt the balloon game where my dad won me a scoobie doo, and we also played skeeball where I used my skeeball tickets to buy Nerds. Pretty much the best way you can spend a Tuesday afternoon.