The Daily Discoveries of Gustavo Valentine

My Photo
Location: United States

Friday, July 31, 2009

First Stop:

LOS ANGELES. My birthplace. Home to all homies.

Azazel J. The J is for jumpin.

Uncle Nicky, sweet as they come.

Uncle Mike the Big Calzone. Thank you for my Korean sun protector hat that I will never take off. You always shower me with gifts and cash dollars and I hate to admit how much this makes me love you.

Bennett, Aza, Diaz and the Auntie Jen. These people are not going away.

The genuine smile of James Chinlund.

Anton and Viggo. Finally I got to meet this Viggo! We were all very impressed with this little guy.

My newest friend, Bennett's son Julian. Instant friendship. He has all the makings of a best friend. (p.s. These are our pirate faces not our real life faces.)

And the newest addition: Baby Goldie. This is the baby girl of Paz who we were lucky enough to peep at.

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Her photo is on my bulletin board forever.

Thanks everyone for coming out to see us while we breezed through. All are now that much more secured in my memory bank. It was sweet, but it was quick, and I'd by lying if I said it wasn't hard to say good-bye so fast. I just got to bonding and then it was the farewell hand slap. We take what we can get...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm Ba-aack!

Did you notice that I have been gone for a while? That's because I was on summer vacation. It's the first real vacation vacation that I can remember having so far. We went to see Los Angeles and saw all our friends and uncles there and then to DISNEYLAND (OH MY GOD!!! WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS PLACE!!!) and then across a border with guards into another country Mexico where I had another part of the vacation, all on the Pacific ocean beach, this time with my Nana and Papa and all three of my cousins. I just got back. It's going to take me a while to tell you all about everything so I'm going to go to bed in front of a fan (its like a kajillion degrees back here in Portland) and start the telling tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Beloved Pacific

Pacific Beach. About a mile down the road from the Whalen Island camp site. The softest sand you ever stuck your little piggies into.

And tidepools where you can discover the lives of crazy underwater creatures.

like sea enemies

and barnacles

To recap, we had the best time camping with our camp team. This is the dream we had hoped for, the dream that we are living.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Whalen Island

First Oregon family camp out.

Whalen Island, an estuary, pristine and untouched...real pretty!

Dad got the tent up lickety split.

Super cozy.

Got the hammock going. Even cozier.

Got the fire going. Deliciousness.

Great crew. Great meal. Great times.

Nadine and Piper met, bonded, and are now good friends.

Monte and Britt are seasoned Oregon campers. Piper's first campout was at 6 weeks old.

My first ever roasted marshmellow. Mellow indeed!

It was a weekend of hiking and exploring, ball and frisbee tossing, campfire talking and good old fashion friendship building.

More campouts to come, you best believe... I love this summer!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Wedded Bliss

Everyone (but me) went to the wedding of Spencer and Coco, to celebrate the deep deep love that they are sharing with each other. These two people are GREAT PEOPLE.

Everyone got all duded up in their fancy duds. My mom loves my dad in a suit.

Two Hardy's and a Zollo.

Soon to be wedded, my aunt and uncle Thornhill-deWitt.

And there she is! The beautiful bride Coco in her bathing beauty wedding dress. Those are her three kids walking with her, two girls and a boy. The boy is wearing a dress! I told you these people were great.

And here they are! Man and wife. Forever, for reals.

Spencer Moody has never been happier before this in his life.

And there they go! Off into the world of marriage. It isn't easy, they say, but it is wonderful. Break your legs guys! Good luck!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the wheels are off!

We took the training wheels off my bike! For real, I'm not kidding you! I practiced every day with my dad before Mike and Jenna got here so I could really wow them. I think I wowed them.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Northern Exposure

Uncle Mike and Aunt Jenna came to Portland for a really super great and nice visit.

We showed off our life, and the nature surrounding our life.

A nice change of pace for them I think, the lush-ness.

They were feeling it. It was really the best to have them here. I let them sleep in my bed, and I will do it again if they ask me.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

4th of July Fun

Part Two:

First sparkler I ever held.

Kelly was much more at ease with his.

Danny started shooting off the big loud ones.

Nadine did NOT like these, at all. She went in my room and closed the door and wouldn't come out until they were done.

Piper the punk toddler was totally unfazed by any explosion.

Beautiful Independence Day Ladies.

Rocket Moms.
I was in bed by the time the real craziness began in the neighborhood, safe and sane in my sheets...Hope your 4th was happy!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

4th of July Fun

Part One

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Little Firecracker

Have fun on the 4th everyone...keep it safe and sane! U.S.A! U.S.A!