First Stop:
LOS ANGELES. My birthplace. Home to all homies.
Azazel J. The J is for jumpin.
Uncle Nicky, sweet as they come.
Uncle Mike the Big Calzone. Thank you for my Korean sun protector hat that I will never take off. You always shower me with gifts and cash dollars and I hate to admit how much this makes me love you.
Bennett, Aza, Diaz and the Auntie Jen. These people are not going away.
The genuine smile of James Chinlund.
Anton and Viggo. Finally I got to meet this Viggo! We were all very impressed with this little guy.
My newest friend, Bennett's son Julian. Instant friendship. He has all the makings of a best friend. (p.s. These are our pirate faces not our real life faces.)
And the newest addition: Baby Goldie. This is the baby girl of Paz who we were lucky enough to peep at.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Her photo is on my bulletin board forever.
Thanks everyone for coming out to see us while we breezed through. All are now that much more secured in my memory bank. It was sweet, but it was quick, and I'd by lying if I said it wasn't hard to say good-bye so fast. I just got to bonding and then it was the farewell hand slap. We take what we can get...