Where The Heart Is
Bobby's with us. Mamop's in Canada and Grandpa escaped that lonely old island to come hang with us for a few days, eat some pancakes, visit some shops and watch some olympic hockey. And of course to read while listening to the deedle deedle dee of jazz. Here he is all cozy in my PowerRangers blanket, reading one of my Dad's stories.
We watched Raiders of the Lost Ark together, me for the first time. There were a few, but only a few parts that were scary for me, like the parts with skulls and the parts where skulls melted, but mostly it was a completely awesome movie and yet confusing to me as in how is Han Solo also Indiana Jones. I am asking Grandpa to stay longer and I think he will. And if I need to miss another day of school to be with him, then that's what I gotta do.