We have recovered from Friday the 13th around here. There was some bad ju-ju in the air. The deWitt men had a very frustrating day on the job where the paint gun broke and everything went wrong. It ended with Grandpoop locking his keys in his truck, waiting an hour for AAA who finally let him in so he could immediately drive into a ditch. Three of his tires were not touching the ground and the AAA man was still there but made him call again for his second tow and somewhere in that time Grandpoop lost hist checkbook in the ditch. At this same time, back at our house, Mama let me play in our car, me sitting in the driver seat pushing all the buttons and levers while she sat in the passenger seat, when suddenly the alarm went off making the horn blow loud over and over and all the doors locked and we were trapped and could not unlock them and the keys were in the house. Mama finally pried the manual lock open and escaped and turned off the alarm that gave us a nervous breakdown and the whole Bainbridge Island too probably. And then when Mamam came home at the end of the day, a black cat crossed her path just as she pulled into our driveway. Geez! Did anything bad lucky happen to any of you?

I unwinded today with a little Teletubbies, which I've just recently started to appreciate. I've seen them before but never paid any attention to tv before but my mom says my attention span is growing. I watched for ten straight minutes, mesmerized, while Mama told me the animal print top hat that Tinky Winky was wearing made him look like an early nineties Melrose Avenue fashion victim.